COVID-19 Local News Fund

Support local journalism

Sheridan, we need your help.

The Sheridan Press has been dedicated to informing and engaging our community since 1887. Over the many years, we have covered world wars, elections, festivals, crimes and celebrations.

And now, our team is working around the clock to cover the COVID-19 pandemic. Every day, we provide information on the latest cases, reports on local effects and uplifting stories of our community members’ support of one another. We know how important factual, reliable information is to our community.

However, due to this unprecedented situation, our business — which relies on the local economy — is struggling.

If you believe local journalism is essential, especially during this crisis, please subscribe to our newspaper, either for yourself or as a gift for someone in the community. In addition, please consider making a tax-deductible donation. Your contribution will help pay for news resources and staff to cover the latest COVID-19 news. 


The Sheridan Press - COVID-19 Local News Fund is a service of and administered by Local Media Foundation, affiliated with Local Media Association. Local Media Foundation, tax ID #36‐4427750, is a Section 501(c)(3) organization and is eligible to accept charitable contributions.